Hello friends!
10 days ago and after about 4 weeks locked up at home, we came up with a series of skateboarding and scooter tutorials with some of the basic tricks of the two sports, and with the incredible help and motivation of our team of monitors, we have it ready.
Last Saturday we published the first 2 tutorials also called "How to do" on instagram and yesterday we also published them on out youtube account. We think that it is a good occasion for all the lovers of these two sports you can see our coaches explaining and demonstrating how some of the most important tricks of each sport are done and so you can learn them faster. We will upload one every week until the end of May.
We hope you like it and help you spend these difficult days at home!
You can enjoy it at:
Instagram where you will find the series of the Skateboard tutorials: www.instagram.com/ungravityskateschool
Instagram where you will find the series of the Scooter tutorials: www.instagram.com/ungravityscootercamps
Youtube where you will find the two series: https://www.youtube.com/UngravityFreestyleCompanyBarcelona
Stay home and apply the super hashtag #yopatinoenecasa!
Stay tunned