Another School Course starts and Our Sports Club in Barcelona too. If your passion is skateboarding, BMX or scooter, our Club is what you were looking for.
2 Saturdays a month we have training in the best skateparks in Barcelona and nearby with our team of monitors. We leave you with the basic info:
· 2 sessions per month.
· Designed for all ages and levels.
· Schedule: from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
· From October to June with the same coach.
· Quarterly calendar so you can easily block your dates.
· Annual registration of 50 € + monthly fee of 50 €.
We start next october 6th. Enter the MINISITE of each sport and reserve your place to enjoy, learn and share your favorite sport:
· Skate
· Scooter
+Info & questions: 666 52 47 09 or camps@ungravityboard.com
See you in the skateparks!