No plans for next Holy Week?
More thant 2 months away from the spring break, at Ungravity we have everything ready for the 13th edition of our STREET CAMPS in Barcelona from March 25th to 28th from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Skate, scooter and inline skates for all levels and ages.
This time they will be held at The Ungravity Academy (Calle arquimedes, 8), our new private indoor skatepark located in the Hospitalet. Whatever "your sport" is, we offer you a perfect interior space to learn and improve your level, with a wide variety of ramps so that you can progress in the safest and most fun way.
Sign up now for 4 days or individual days and get ready to enjoy pure sport, friendship and fun at The Academy!
· 4 days: €130.
· Single days: €40/day.
Click on your sport and register in less than 1 minute:
Also in the Barceloneta neighborhood (Barcelona) we will organize the 7th edition of our SURF CAMP from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on the same dates enjoying Paddlesurf, surfskate and endless activities related to Surfing, the sea and the beach. It is a camp designed for kids and kids of all levels. No previous experience is needed.
More info and reservations by clicking on SURF&SUP, on 666 52 47 09 or by sending an email to info@ungravityboard.com.
Sign up right now for the camp that best suits you and enjoy your passion with our team!
Let's SPORT your LIFE!