From April 14th to 18th, we will organize the 4th edition of our SURF TRIP Easter Week. The destination will be the French Basque Country again. We will enjoy the best beaches from Hendaye to Biarritz through Saint Jean de Luz. PURE PARADISE! We offer you 3 options to enjoy the trip: The FREESURF option and the two options of SURFCAMPS, one for minors and the other for adults.
It is undoubtedly the perfect SURF TRIP for all levels because there is a huge number of different beaches in the area that offer waves and sizes for everyone.
Options and prices:
· TRIP: 4 nights in apartment + insurance + photo service --> 160€ (175€ booking after 20/03).
· CAMP + 18A: 4 nights in apartment + 2.5h/day of class + insurance + photo service + video sessions + stretching --> 260€ (275€ booking after 20/03).
· CAMP -18A all inclusive: 4 pcs in apartment + 2,5h/day of class + insurance + photo service + video sessions + stretching + 24h control --> 350€ (375€ booking after 20/03)
Prices do not include: material (50€) and transportation from Barcelona and during the trip (may vary according to the number of stakeholders).
If you have any questions you can send us an email to info@ungravityboard.com or call us at 666 52 47 09.
Book your place now at the following link: https://ungravityboard.com/en/water/activity/surf-trip-semana-santa-biarritz